Pain in breast and feeling like crap

Hi, I need help I have a 1 week old. I'm currently breast feeding but feel like I'm failing she is getting enough milk I'm just in pain before and after. One boob feels like it's on fire and it's got a stabbing pain. Currently crying in Mt 2 year olds room scared to tell my husband because I feel like a failure.
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Oh my goodness! Never ever, ever a failure 💜. You can get pain for so many reasons - technique, acute medical issues like mastitis, or in my case I had pain on one side due to breast augmentation…the list can go on, and on. It’s a week since your body went through a huge milestone. Be kind to yourself. You and your baby are learning a new skill together. It’s tough, it takes time, there might be small speed humps along the way but you will get there. Tell your husband, he will likely want to support you in whatever you need to do. You’re not alone. Tenderness, pain and heat should definitely be investigated by a medical professional either your GP or midwife sooner rather than later, so that you can get on top of it.

Definitely get to a gp asap, call the nurse on call now if you can. If it’s mastitis I think it’s a much quicker recovery if you catch it sooner. Good luck and be kind to yourself.

You’re not a failure at all. It sou ds like mastitis to me. I had it when my girl was 3 months. I felt like I had the flu, sore boob red and tender. Get to the dr asap and keep breastfeeding as much as you can to help clear the duct.

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