Gentle parenting advice please

My husband (25M) and I (24F) recently took in one of my younger cousins (14F) to live with us. Gentle parenting is hard with a teenager especially when it's not the first reaction you immediately have when you didn't have a gentle parent yourself 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 First I try being calm but calm quickly turns to frustration when calm doesn't get the reaction you're hoping for 🙃🙃 My first big reaction after calm attempts keeps being shutting her phone off for different lengths of time I try and have my husband be the middle man when I'm too frustrated 🙃 I've been typically calming back down later and giving her her phone back with a long text apologizing for my side of the argument and explaining what was going on and why I felt the way I felt and why I reacted the way I did because boy does she ask "why?" A lot and she deserves that answer And then she voices what she was going through. Texts always seem to be the best way for either of us to get out everything we need to say. And lately I've been trying to come up with better solutions of "punishment" rather than taking her phone away because she uses her phone to calm down and I recognize that. But it keeps happening after the threat of taking it away or actually taking it away for an hour before I calm down. So like this recent one is when we go places and spend money we barely have and her to end up being very negative and refusal to participate in the activity we paid for, she has to chores to earn the cost of the ticket price to make up for us feeling like money was wasted Idk am I doing this gentle parenting thing right? I feel like I'm always messing up but at the same time I know it's better than her previous living situation (extremely emotionally abusive and slightly physically abusive) but like I still feel like I'm doing everything completely wrong... 😅😅
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Personally I believe in autonomy. If something belongs to my child then it’s his I have no business taking it. HOWEVER he doesn’t pay for the Internet, he doesn’t pay for the phone line, etc you feel me? Phones and gadgets aren’t much fun without service. As to making her pay for her ticket after the fact. Her feelings are being invalidated when you do that. I would suggest making her earn those things before the activity. Not after bc you didn’t like her attitude. Also the choice you make to spend money you don’t have is a you problem. It’s not her problem. Expectation is the root of heartache. Do the things you do bc you want to do them not for a response. When you feel like she’s disrespecting you before the reaction you give take a step back. Breathe go back and say I didn’t like that. Please speak to me with respect the way I speak to you. If you go losing your shit tho? It’s hard to ask for respect if you don’t give it.

Ask her what she thinks would be fair. Also if your wanting to try a new way of communicating without her coming to you if she feels anxious about it. Get her a journal. If she needs to talk to you about something but doesn't want to talk face to face have her write down everything she is feeling and would like to talk about hand have her put it in a specific spot that you see often so you know "ok she needs to talk" you can read in it. Write in it and give it back with whatever you need to say

I respect your idea of autonomy with the phone. As I said before, she's actually my cousin that we took in. She previously had zero supervision with phones since she was 7 years old and got in some very scary, dangerous and illegal situations that now require some supervision. (Such as telling strange adults on the internet that were grooming her and having her send child pornography, where exactly she lived, school, etc) and didn't care of the consequences that could've resulted from that. Her feelings were thought of in the first place, this was somewhere she was very excited to go and then after we arrived and it was paid for did a 180 with attitude and was mean and disrespectful. She has a common issue of being inconsiderate of others feelings and being "proud" of that. I'm sorry if my message sounds defensive Hazel, but I feel when giving advice it shouldn't sound like you're automatically assuming the worst of me.. (1)

As i said, I didn't "lose my shit" I tried being calm talking with her and compromising and she only responded with disrespectful meanness for seemingly no reason, my last resort was shutting off her phone. I give her respect, she rarely gives it back. Remember as i said, I'm coming in after 14 years of neglect and abuse... she is coming into this with anger and frustration... we are fresh adults ourselves let alone fresh parents in general... As for Jillian, thank you so much for your kind advice, I really appreciate it. I've tried to convince her to journal but her common response to any alternative option I give her is "that's too much work" or "that's dumb". So far the only time I can get her to openly express her feelings is after the issue, after I had already taken her phone. Which is hard because I try to open up conversations beforehand and I'm met with her brick walls a mile high

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