
Jealous Mom and Stranger Danger

So my 9 month old is okay going to other women. Sometimes she doesn't even want to be returned to me. When she sees her dad she gets really excited. I don't think she has responded with a similar level to me🙄. I spend the most time with her. I am the primary caregiver. 1. I feel kinda jealous😳. 2. A part of me is happy she is comfortable with others, but do I need to be concerned with how comfortable she feels. Like she shouldn't just go to anyone, and should want her mommy for safety right?
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My boys always been ok with others taking him. He never had a prefference until now. I see it as him being well adjusted and loved by others. He is starting to only want a few select people to hold him but often gets upset if his aunt or dad tries to hand him back to me on weekends. I don't get offended cause I know its healthy for him to be have strong attachments in his life. Besides, he's with me almost 24/7 and its fun for him to be with other people who have more energy to throw him in the air/play. I think its very healthy for moms to get a break and for babies to form bonds with other people in their lives

My baby boy is also 9 months, and he kinda does the same thing. He will throw his hands up at other family members and mostly random women lol he only goes with males he recognizes like my dad or brothers. But like the previous comment it gives me a break and him a the ability to be comfortable with almost anyone.

Girls are like that with the dad boys are more for mommy

My daughter is the EXACT same way. But don't worry it's because you are the primary your kid sees you so often they get excited to see other people but if you weren't around they would get extremely upset because you are their constant. If you weren't around those other people wouldn't matter to them because you were always there for them for everything. Always remember our babies come to us as mother's with their emotions and to others for socializing. You will and are the most important person in their life. Your role will be greater then anyone else's. You are the center of their life as much as theirs is to you.

1 reply

Well said!! I 100% agree

It sounds like she is very secure with you. If she was insecure she wouldnt want you out of her sight- she knows you’ll be there when she needs you. Sign of a very good mama:)

My daughter was like that until about 11 months. She wasn't afraid of anyone until she was almost one and then she got a little more clingy to me and less comfortable with other people. So it's something that may change with age. Stranger danger is something that you can teach as she gets older so I wouldn't worry. I think it's good for kids to be sociable and not overly afraid of other people

My daughter loves her dad and I but also loves all the attention she gets from others. And if they have a puppy she'll follow them. It's scary but it's hard to teach them different until they're older

Very normal. She’ll get stranger danger eventually. Explain ‘tricky people’ to her as she gets older. Google that specifically it really helped my daughter to understand the tricky thing strangers can do to get a child to follow them. As the child is older and away from you more you’ll see how much they miss you too when you’re off doing things.

I had the same issue with my now 2 year old daughter. I notice it would happen in phases, for a while she would only want daddy-then at times she would prefer to go with me. I remember feeling so hurt when she would be more for her daddy than me- but she’ll come around- especially if you do something fun with her😝 just know that you will always be number one, regardless of this phase.

My girl only said dada till she was a year and a half. My boys said momma first though. It’s normally daddy’s girl and momma’s boy.

Don't fret - I had the exact same thing with my son. It lasted until he was 18 months old. He'd caught a few nasty bugs from his sister, but a real bad one in May. I was the one who bathed him, cuddled him, cleaned his sick and mess up. It must have stayed with him because he turned into like a different baby overnight. He's my shadow now. xx

My son will literally walk up to anyone and start chatting, it's a nightmare as I have to have eyes 360 around my head and know his every move. He's almost 4 so more independent. I don't think at 9 months I wouldn't worry too much. There is lots of time to come and I'm sure your child will search for you. Children mainly react off of your facial expressions and tone of voice so if you're encouraging then they might feel more at ease

That’s how I felt too. She calls my mom “mommy or pita” and it still kinda upsets me but I have to understand that in my household my sisters and I call my mom mom. So she hears us saying it. My daughter calls me mommy too. But she comes to me when she needs me the most and is very attached to me. When I leave to even walk my dogs. She cries bc she wants to be w me. So you’re the constant even when you think she’s comfortable w others.

She is always with you so trusts youre there and not going anywhere. She hasnt seen Daddy all day so naturally is excited because oh my goodness he has returned... ya know? Dont take it personally Mama... Most kids go through this.

I remember when the boys were young I read something called the grandma factor. The kid spends so much time with the same person, they get excited to see someone new! It’s normal. If it makes you feel Better I’d get mad if someone said the boys looked like dad. I was like no I grew him. He’s mine lol

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