Temper Tips

My daughter will be 2 at the beginning of October and we are having meltdowns that last 20-50 mins when we try and move from one activity to another. This happens at daycare and home and we are all struggling with how to deal with them. Last night we did colouring and stickers for an hour and when I said time to clean up for dinner it was a 30 min fit. I was not getting her into trouble just asking her to do something else. We went to a playground and moving from slide to swings will cause the same meltdown too. Any mamas have tips or what we can do to decrease the length of these meltdowns?
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Hey there! Meltdowns are super hard and triggering! My son is turning 2 next month and we’re having big feelings too. The thing that works best for us is to do a lot of prep when moving from one thing to the next. Five or even ten minutes before moving to the next activity start talking about what is going to happen next. This has been working wonders even for TV time. If you’re interested, an account on Instagram has fantastic ideas and resources that have helped me navigate those big feelings. It’s @biglittlefeelings Sending all the love and patience your way ☺️

We try that too and it works for some things but not others in going to follow that group thanks!

Hey Deb! How have the last few days been? I’ve seen this tip that I have been trying over the last few days and have been working well. It’s the use of a timer. Telling him that we will do an activity for another X-amount minutes and let him press the button. And tell him when the timer goes beep beep, we will be doing x-activity. Hope this helps 😌

Chances are that there will still be feelings involved, but they’ve been reduced in length 😌

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