Fibroid Degeneration

I recently had a miscarriage and D&C in October. Since then I've had two episodes of severe abdominal pain that lasts for 2-3 days. My obgyn suspects it is fibroid degeneration. She said basically after the D&C the blood supply to the fibroids was dramatically reduced, which causes fibroid cell death/shrinking. As cells die they release prostaglandins. Prostaglandins cause contractions and cramping. Since one of my fibroids is moderately large and on the outside of my uterus, it is releasing a large amount of prostaglandins into my abdomen, causing the surrounding organs/intestines to cramp/spasm and be generally irritated. My abdomen is very bloated and sensitive. At times it hurts just to walk from bed to bathroom. It hurts to pee and poop. I just wanted to put this I do out here in case anyone else goes through this or has gone through it and can give me any advice. This can also happen during pregnancy or after pregnancy. It is extremely painful. The only thing that has helped so far is opioids, which I'm not a fan of. I'm in the process of scheduling myomectomy. I hope it helps with all my symptoms and that my ob is able to preserve fertility.
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Hi, I had an open myomectomy in January. My fibroid had grown to 30cm and was affecting my kidneys and the pain was excruciating. The surgery changed my life. I hope it helps you too x

Omg, 30! Mine is only 10cm. I can't imagine the pain you must've felt.

It grew to 30 during my pregnancy. I had to be hospitalised for 3 months and survived on codeine and morphine.

They really downplay the seriousness of fibroids so I was really shocked. But they did say it was an unusual case.

I agree. I'm hoping my surgery goes okay and I can still carry a pregnancy to term.

I just had my baby in September but at the beginning of my pregnancy I had two small fibroids (2 and 4 I think). Around 21 weeks I had fibroid degeneration and man was it painful so I totally understand 😓 it also caused cramping, which obviously was pretty scary during pregnancy, but after taking the prescribed ibuprofen it went away! Fibroids suck sometimes..

@Neomi yikes, I can't imagine going through this during pregnancy. I'm really hoping to avoid that situation by getting them removed. Congratulations on your new baby 💓

Did you all have to do an MRI to detect fibroid degeneration? How did they diagnose it? @Mariah @K @Neomi

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