
When did you all start weaning your l/o off boob? We are still exclusively breastfeeding but my milk supply seems to be getting lighter as she sometimes skips naptime feeds. Should I go to a bottle or straight to sippy? And I know they say 3.5% milk but is 2% okay? Thanks mamas!
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Neither. Open mouth cup. Sometimes a sippy while traveling you know 20 months old boy still breastfeeding like a champ, 3.5%milk 3x per day with meals. Doesn't seem to be an end in sight for breastfeeding.

I slowly started to wean around 20month at 22month we were down to only 1 breastfeeding a day for a long time and now at 25month we are done. We switched to 2% milk at 24 month. We have a straw cup for the milk.

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