@Emilee yes! This sounds like the exact same situation! He was sleep trained as well and it was just a sudden thing. Good luck! Let me know how things turn out for you guys!! A few nights ago I told him I would leave if he wasn’t in his bed because he kept getting up and playing with stuff. So now he brings a toy to bed to play with and it has decreased the amount of time it takes him to get to sleep. Now that it’s been a few nights like that, I’ll keep increasing the boundaries and hope for the best.
Hi mama!!! I instantly came to respond! My son is THE EXACT same way. He was sleep trained, then all of a sudden I have to sit in the room with him to fall asleep (dad is NOT allowed). When he would wake in the night he would scream for hours if I didn’t go to get him (yes he even cried non stop for dad). Couldn’t go pee or leave the room at all without him either crying or following me to make sure I wasn’t leaving for good. Just last week I said I’ve had enough and started working with our sleep consultant again. As much as I love him and our snuggles, I’m 30 weeks pregnant and can’t do this when the little one comes. I don’t have many tips since we just started working on it this week, but I will say standing our ground and creating boundaries with sleep has helped A LOT. I spent the night away last night and although my son woke up sad I wasn’t home, he calmed down faster than normal and is now having a good day with dad!