Walking but not walking ?

After a bit of reassurance my son will be turning 3 in March this year and he’s taken his first steps but doesn’t want to walk at all just still crawls everywhere he’s under the childrens physio and they keep telling me he’s just lazy and will do it when he wants but times getting on now and he starts nursery in September so worries me anybody else experienced this ? Xx
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Has he ever walked at all?

@Amy Yeah he’s walked completely unaided before x

He walks everywhere? Like even out the house? Sorry I don’t have any advice hun. I would say just keep trying and use “big boy” talks like he’s a big boy now and big boys walk not crawl like babies etc x

@Amy He will only walk out the house if he’s holding my hand if I let go he would just go back to crawling 🤦🏻‍♀️ yeah I’ll keep trying thanks x

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