Chance of pregnancy or am I crazy??

So I’m technically not late for my period yet, but the anxiety of being pregnant again being 4 months PP has got me going crazy. I’ve unfortunately went down a rabbit hole on google. My last actual period was 01/12-01/15 but stopped and I bled again for 2 days (1/17-1/18) I have no idea what is going on. I was on the mini pill but stopped because I hate it. Ever since I started it I’ve had 2 & sometimes 2.5 periods a month. Would those 2 days be considered the period ? Google said implantation bleeding and now I am scared😅 helpppppp
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I can’t say for sure but I would go to your doctor to get the blood test or wait if you’re really concerned but I had implantation bleeding a week after my period for 2 days. And when I called to be seen the nurse kept pressuring me to get back on birth control. It was not a very nice conversation so just be aware if they try to judge or persuade you into getting back on the pill. It turned out I was pregnant and if I would have gotten on the pill idk what would have happened but I’m glad I didn’t.

@Jen oh wow! I’m sorry they did that to you!! I’m definitely going to wait to see if I get my next period & if not then I’ll take an at home test and go from there! But congratulations!

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