Maybe a stupid question

But do your LO’s always wake up from a nap crying? Even on a contact nap as soon as she wakes she cries. Just wondering if this is the same for everyone
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My 15 week old has started doing this. It's not after every nap, just every now and then. He is teething so I put it down to that. Xx

My 4 month old started doing this after her afternoon nap a few days ago. It happens especially if the nap is longer than an hour - she wakes distraught!

Could be going through a mental leap. I’ve read when they wake up “their world looks different” and it is scary for them.

My 16 week old has started doing this the last couple days!

Yup every time basically! I have no idea why. Doesn't matter where he fell asleep/wakes up or how long the nap is 🤷‍♀️

Yup, almost always. Unless she does a poo in the middle of the night, then she is super happy smiling and laughing 😅

During the day my baby often cries when he wakes up during the day. He doesn’t during the night or first thing in the morning though - maybe as the room is dark an we have a ceiling projector on that he loves

Mine is 15 weeks soon and she is doing taht a week or so. It’s soooo strange for her as normally she is a very happy baby smiling and laughing all the time

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