1 year suddenly not eating properly

My daughter turned 1 year old 15 days back and since then i feel that she has lost her appetite. Also, she is not much interested in playing and just wants to be held all the time. She has become super clingy, fussy and whines almost the whole day.
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Might be an a toothache meaning that she's teething. Don't lose hope sometimes if this happens they might for a day or at a certain point just not want to eat because it hurts too much. See if you can spot in her gums a little bit of whiteness and then you can see that a tooth is coming out or it might be more than one.

It could be the case because i see whiteness in the lower gums…was just wondering if it is not anything else

I’m experiencing the same thing. My daughter turned 1 on Jan 26 and she is refusing all solids. She only wants fruits. She has milk but doesn’t want anything else. Any help

I agree… she wants fruits and wants to have water the whole day

My daughter went through this phase many times. I didn’t push her to eat or worry about it in front of her. just kept offering her healthy meals. We eat together and enjoy our meals. I am satisfied with her food habits.

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