
Mommas I need help 😭 My little dude will not sleep on his own ! He can be down for the count completely but as soon as he touches his crib he’s up and crying, then as soon as you pick him up he’s back asleep just to repeat this cycle a million times. We’ve tried music, a shusher, sound machines, certain light colours, darkness, us sitting beside the crib and touching him, nothing works. We’ve spent time in his room, played in it, he’s hung out in his crib while I’ve cleaned his room and folded his laundry and stuff but he just won’t sleep in it. I love him but I need my bed back ! Any tips for a very tired momma ?
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We are still bed sharing bc the exact same thing. I'm currently 19 weeks pregnant with our 2nd so I'm needing my space back. I thought about just getting a floor bed for him bc I can lay him on my bed and he'll sleep alone but if I try to get him in the crib all bets are off.

Yeah we’ve been debating a floor bed too ! Like I spend all day looking at them and dreaming of sleep haha

We always had my baby in a bassinet or crib, but we encountered this problem too. We had to rock her for a long time to get her into deep sleep, then cross our fingers she wouldn’t wake up when we put her in the crib. Eventually we decided to do sleep training, and that worked wonders. Now we put her down in the crib while she’s still awake, and she gets herself to sleep. We followed the info in this article:

I recommend reading precious little sleep. I read this for my first baby because he sometimes had issues and it has multiple things to try for different types of babies and sleep issues. Good luck mamma.

Have you tried warming the sheets of the crib before you put him into it? You can use a heating pad to warm it and remove it just before putting him down, just making sure it’s not too hot of course. What is he wearing to sleep? Sometimes a little extra comfort with a blanket or a heavy sleep sack does the trick!

Ours only sleeps with us, once we bring him to the crib he’s immediately screaming crying

@Megan weve actually been doing that ya ! We have a heating blanket we use to warm it up and then we take it out right before he goes in there. He’s in a onesie because he haaaaaaated his swaddles when he was tiny. Do you have a sleep sack you’d recommend ? He’s always kicking off his blankets so that could help

@Nina that’s exactly what our bub was doing ! It’s SLOWLY getting better now but man it’s been a battle. We actually switched to gentle sleep training halfway though Ferber

I have to hold my baby girl to sleep, the moment she knows am not near her she cries and wakes up. She doesn't take bottle, solely breastfed. Cant even get up to pee in the middle of the night because she will be clinging onto me. Co-sleeping

My baby went through a similar thing, he didn’t want to sleep in his crib eventhough he had always been in a crib or bassinet. so I found that he was uncomfortable so i added some extra padding and that really worked as well as sleep training. Took me a bit to decide on it, but I got to a point where I was just so tired, that I knew it needed to be done and it has helped a lot it’s just hard to got thru with it.

I see this is pretty old, but I’m a newly certified sleep consultant and there could be a few things affecting babes sleep, like sleep associations and if babe is falling a sleep independently at night! Feel free to message me if you’re interested in doing a program! I’m offering 50%off tax free for portfolio building!

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