Baby refuses to sleep at daycare

Please dont judge me as I am already overwhelmed with mixed feelings regarding this. My baby recently started daycare after spending a whole year with mostly me at home as her primary carer. She is used to co sleeping as she never liked being left alone in a cot. When she started daycare she was able to settle for naps in the cot there for 45 minutes to sometimes 1 hour but that is it and she would not take a second nap. Recently she has stopped taking those naps as well and today she stayed awake for about 8 hours there and did not want to sleep although she was tired. I feel very bad thinking I should have sleep trained her better but I have tried sleep training with her twice and failed because I could not see her cry. I dont know ehat should I do, I also feel terrible calling the daycare everyday asking same question if she has gone for nap. I feel like the daycare people must be thinking of me as if I am bothering them too much calling them everyday. I dont feel good about it all.
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Don’t feel bad for not sleep training!! Childcare can be a huge adjustment and can take some time for them to feel secure and comfortable. Its nothing to do with sleep training, it comes down to temperament and personalities. I didn’t do any sleep training (I feed to sleep for all naps/sleep) and my son sleeps at childcare even though there is no boob for him, they just eventually get used to different things with different people. Have you spoken to the educators about how they are trying to support sleep eg holding, patting. It could also be worthwhile trying a different nap schedule there? If all the babies are sleeping around midday, even though she might be nowhere one nap a day at home, babies often just do what everyone else is doing. Don’t feel bad for calling and speaking to them, it’s part of their job, especially with new babies, and the more comfortable you feel about taking her there, the more comfortable she’ll feel!

I would also be talking to your daughter lots about childcare, what’s going to happen there, mummy will drop you off but I’ll pick you up in the afternoon etc. they understand so much more at this age, and can help them to know what’s going on

Thank you@Dani, really feeling good knowing that someone can understand my feelling.I had started feeling bad for feeding my baby to sleep at home because it started feeling like i have done wrong with her as she does not have me there for her naps for soothing. I will definitely try and talk to her about this new change but currently she is just very attached and cries at drop off and pickups but the. Settles a bit which was not the case in the first week. I hope it gets easier for her and myself too because I just always feel bad.

@Stacey Hey Stacey, how lonv is the awake period for your baby? My girls stretches for sometimes 5 hours before she goes for a nap at daycare and is only able to sleep for about 40 minutes. At home I comfort her and offer boob to stretch her nap to 2 hours but its not possible at daycare

@Stacey Wow this is so helpful thank you so much. And i guess the midwife is right, things at daycare are oit of my control and I should not be stressing too much.

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