Fibroid pain is a lifestyle??

Hi everyone! I’m 15 weeks into my pregnancy and have been in pain daily for the past 10 weeks due to a fibroid that grew after conceiving. I can hardly walk, little appetite and every single position I try hurt. Did anyone have this experience while pregnant. Did the pain ever subside? There are maybe a few hours one day a week where I’m not in pain. I’m losing my mind. Still trying to take walks with the dog and stretch but the pain is debilitating. I tried Tylenol and jt only reduced the pain by about 10%. I want to be able to go out at least to dinner with my husband and I can’t even stand up straight. My midwife has basically shrugged it off as par for the course. Should I just expect my pregnancy to be painful until I deliver? Any insight advise is really appreciated!
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I had pain for a few weeks around 11 weeks due to fibroid 'degenerating' but it did subside after a while. I think it can be a bit unpredictable 😩.

I had fibroid degeneration (where they die and you have severe pain) at 16 and 20 weeks. 16 weeks went to the ER for pain, 20 weeks managed by OB. I did a lot of warm baths and heating pad.

@Stephanie I am currently going through this now with a short cervix. What was your plan of treatment?

@Brit first time I was prescribed opioid pain medication. Second time I was prescribed a strong NSAID (can’t remember which one). The NSAID worked better.

I had fibroid degeneration two times during my first pregnancy it was the worse pains I've had in my life omg! My fibroids grew w the baby. Went from 2cm to 10cm 🥲🥲🥺 tylenol did nothing u just had to deal w the pains. I cried everyday ugh

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