2 year sleep regression 😴

Anyone else’s little one that is coming up 2 going through some dreadful sleep regression?! Not going down for naps, won’t go to sleep unless we are in the room and if we leave screams blue murder, waking in the night and waking up at 4.30/5am 😢😢😢
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Yessss! Mine turned 2 last month

Omg yes, I just posted about this with my twins! Put it down to sickness but it’s two weeks now and I am exhausted!!!

I'm still waiting for the day I have a full nights sleep it's like still having a newborn. Up several times a night then our day starts between 4/5am

My girl is 22 months and I've had a rough couple nights. Always awake around 1am, then 4am, 5am and up for the morning around 7am. So exhausting. I hope it passes soon.

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