Relationship issues after miscarriage

My boyfriend and I used to be like the perfect couple and we got along so well for about a year. When we had the unplanned pregnancy, we were both scared but excited. His family hated me ever since. Lately after miscarrying, I’ve been resenting him so much. He just repulses me. I ended up breaking up with him shortly after miscarrying. (he was also physically touching me without consent when I told him to get away and just several borderline concerning things I was not comfortable with). I think I might have broken up with him from the stress but also he just reminds me of our baby that’s gone every time he’s around or I see him or hear from him. I feel bad bc he is crying and he never usually cries over anything. I want to support him too but I am struggling to even keep myself alive and functioning lately. There’s no way I can handle a relationship right now. Has this happened with anyone else?
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I’m so sorry to hear about your loss and the situation you are now in. Reading this I could see a lot of red flags, miscarriage aside. To physically touch you without your consent is not okay in any circumstance. Focus on looking after yourself and working through your loss 💕

@Mads yeah it only happened like once or trice but I already have some trauma from a past relationship with persistent SA so I just got very triggered and ran 😂 I know this recent bf was sorry and truly meant it, so I can forgive but I don’t want to forget and put myself in a bad situation :/

@Mads it’s so hard to know if I’m seeing things correctly bc everyone is always telling me my decisions are just based off of “pregnancy hormones”

I’m so sorry. You are right, you don’t want to put yourself in a bad situation. Even once is one time too many. Especially considering what you were both going through plus your body going through the physical trauma of a miscarriage too. It’s a time when you need to look after each other, not a time for abuse.

Not that any time is time for abuse :/

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