How do I know if my baby is breech?

Hi mommas! I’m not sure if my baby is breech or not, im 34w tomorrow! I’m supposed to have another ultrasound but had Covid the past few weeks so I’m still waiting to find out. Is there any other way to find out besides the ultrasound? Can you feel it if your baby is breech? I’m not sure why I keep having this feeling that he is, and I’m just curious if there’s any way to tell or what other moms experience with this is!
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I thought mine was breech as I didn't feel the same pressure in vaginal area as I did. But wasn't sure till I went for a growth scan and they said she was breech. She turned without me knowing and luckily turned back head down again without me knowing xx

You can usually feel a hard lump under your ribs if baby is breech, kicks will feel very low down on your cervix if baby is feet down 😊

I’ve been breech my whole pregnancy and now at 39 weeks I’m having a c-section. I’ve felt the head very prominently under my ribs the entire time and all kicks are in the pelvic region

Had 2 breech babies , had my last 3 weeks ago, you know when they are breech . Both my lumps were on both ribs and the head kills ya ribs and my belly was a rather funny shape which everyone found amusing

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