
How did you get your Littles on a sleep schedule (if you have one) I can do these 4am days anymore, please send help.........
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My girl was good until tonight up at 230 and won't go back to sleep. Ugh

Girl I feel your struggle!

I’ve been awake since 4:30 yesterday with my two month old….I’ve tried everything he won’t fall asleep and stay asleep

If you acknowledge/comfort your baby every night at 4am that’s positive reinforcement. They have learned that behavior and you have encouraged it by going to them. They will continue it cause it’s a learnedI behavior. i AM IN NO WAY saying you are wrong…I don’t judge any other parent.:and me personally I go to my child always and hate hearing them cry..just my personal way of parenting. It seems like you are asking for advice so my tips would be start cutting the 4am interactions short. Soft rub on the back..etc. no talking. Eventually they won’t associate walking up in the early morning with mom coming in. Good luck

Bedtime routine. Verbally reinforcing it is "night time" and showing him it is dark outside the window. Using verbiage to distinguish "night night time" vs. "Nap time" when the sun is still up. He sleeps throughout the night in his own bed/room since he has been about 6/7 months old. During daylight savings, he sleeps from 7pm-7am. During other seasons, he sleeps from 8:30/9pm-6am. When the sun is up, he is up. When the sun is down, he is down shortly thereafter. No matter if we are on vacation and/or outside of our home.

@Tia no I completely understand, I guess I do kinda incurage it

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