Need advice please 🙏

Okay so my little girl will be 3 in less than a month and no matter what I do I can not get her to poop in the potty. She does fine going pee in the potty but refuses to poop. I don't know what to do. Pic of my girl so we don't get lost.
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Check out BigLittleFeelings Potty Learning course. It is very common for kids to hold out on pooping on the potty and BLF's course addresses it

Okay so this is what we did: Taught her (our April 2020 girl) to say byebye to her poop! I know it sounds ridiculous but it worked. First she started wanting to potty after watching me potty. She wanted to copy me. That worked decently at first but after an ER visit that ended very badly, she was too traumatized to poop. It took a year for her to stop holding it in and being scared. When she could finally poop again, I started by taker her diapers and plopping the poop in the toilet, saying "byebye poop!" And hitting flush. Soon she wanted to say bye to her poo too and allowed us to try to have her poop on the big toilet. Never the potty. Just the flushable big toilet. I will add that we put her on a fiber gummies and switched her diet around to make sure that her poops are as comfortable as they can be. If your daughter is more on the constipated side it may take very long before she's comfortable just pooping directly in the toilet. Another thing we did is taught her toys to poop 1/2

We would potty train the toys together and sometimes I would use items to be "fake poop" and congratulate the toys. I read somewhere that kids are scared to poop in the toilet because they think a part of them is falling out. As in a body part. Some moms have great success if they can just get their kids to understand pooping isn't them losing a piece of them. Making it "exciting" to say bye to poop was just the extra push my little needed. Now our biggest issue is that she doesn't know when she needs to go until she's already in the middle of it... And then she gets sad because she wanted it to be in the toilet lol 2/2

I just remembered: to help with the body part fear, it's recommended to show the kiddo a video of an anatomical depiction of the body pooping. Doesn't have to be super descriptive, just enough for them to know what they're looking at and how normal it is. I've had like 4 people tell me this worked super well for them.

My daughter was the same. Would pee fine but was afraid of pooping in the potty. What worked for us was letting her poop in the potty with her diaper on and then letting her flush the poop and say bye bye to it. She was on pull-ups and eventually after a week or so started pulling the diapers down for pooping too and we would give her temporary tattoos as rewards! Good luck🤞

Pooping takes a bit longer. Eventually she will be uncomfortable especially if she sits in it. I utilized a reward chart with my daughter with stickers bc she loves stickers but depending on what your daughter likes, you could come up with a similar system. Poop in the potty? You get a —-. It sounds like bribery but is more like positive reinforcement. My son just turned 3 and he sits but won’t pee. He holds it and is dry after nap but then as soon as he gets off the potty, he goes in his pull-up.

I have the opposite problem! She will poop in the potty/toilet but will not willingly go and pee. We have to be on her, put timers. We going to try just putting underwear and if she pees on herself going to make her clean it and hopefully that will encourage her to use the toilet. 😌

@Charlotte seconded. I cannot sing the praises of this course enough!

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