Constant constipation

My son who is 18 months old has been dealing with constant constipation since he was 6 weeks old. We’ve taken him to the dr, we’ve mentioned it to family and children’s nurse, and even the paediatrician. We give him multivitamins and probiotics and even yogurts that have prebiotics in them. We’ve tried constipation medication such as movicol, coloxyl for kids, ducolax and now he’s currently having little parachoc which we were advised to increase the dosage over time by 1ml. We’ve also taken him up to the hospital where they gave him a suppository. I’m at a loss, seeing my son struggling to poop and screaming breaks me. Is there any other mums dealing with this also?
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We had this for a long time. I found fish oil vitamins helped. I also add chia seeds and flaxseeds to at least one meal a day.

I'm sorry you've been going through this, it sounds like a real poop situation. Do you think there could be a possibility of any dietary intolerances? Like dairy, soy, wheat? The usual suspects... If you were breastfeeding these proteins can pass through breast milk. It's hard with bubba's, they have such delicate bowels and once they're stretched the constipation can keep reoccurring. Good luck ❤️

My son had the same symptoms since he was a few weeks old and so last month we took him to a gastroenterologist who said he’s not constipated but he’s actually withholding poo because it hurts him to go! So he holds it in so much until he can’t anymore which makes it worse when he does. Not saying this is what your little one is going through but just a thought. Might be worth seeing your paediatrician or a gastro doctor for advice, and to make sure there is nothing else going on. Our doctor said it’s really common for this to happen.

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