More Mother’s Day moans…

Just picked up my stepdaughters who told me they spent Thursday’s strike day in town with their mum buying Mother’s Day gifts. This included gifts for their brother to give to his dad’s mum and girlfriend. Nothing for me, or for them to give to their Nannas on their dads side. Now, I’m not bothered as such. The gifts they said they bought were all tat that I’d hate and I know that my husband took them a couple of weeks ago to get a card etc. but it’s just the hypocrisy of it. No doubt their brother’s dad’s girlfriend got a ‘step mum’ card, yet before we were married they got told ‘she’s not your step mum, she’s *just* daddy’s girlfriend’. The context… their older brother was the result of a one night stand, my husband brought him up as his own from the ages of 1-7 until we had WW3 (long story) then his dad came back into the picture and has him every other weekend. My husband was with her for nearly 7 years and engaged, she has it in her head that he cheated on her with me which he categorically did not as I’d never allow it! She hates me, and I don’t understand why. But the girls see it and I hate it for them.
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If your husband went weeks ago they probably told their Mum so she had no need to sort.

@Leah nope. Eldest said she told them ‘that’s for your dad to sort out. He hasn’t got his mum anything from them because we don’t really do grandparent’s in our family. And in fact, she did get my husband’s dad’s mum (their great grandma) something because we don’t have anything to do with his dad but she’s trying to weasel her way into his life - we assume to get back at my husband/ for his dad’s money (long story!)

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