Does anyone else have problems getting their son/daughter to sleep at night?

I have a 1 year 8 month old toddler. He has always had issues going to bed at the time he needs to so he can get his sleep to play tomorrow. Has anyone else run into this issue? Got any advice for me? I don't know what to do or how to help him without him being extremely clingy with me. I finally got him to be less clingy
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Hi… i have this Issue a Lot as well. First im sure you’ve eliminated all the common causes like gas or upset tummy etc. if its none of those things.. I understand your baby just wants to Be with momma thats normal.I did have a hack I aways used not sure if you tried but get yourself a yoga ball and sit On it with you baby facing you and bounce him up and down not too hard. If you can cradle hold him thats even better my baby is too big so I eventually started having to hold him facing me on my lap. But just bounce up and down with your knees your body just up and down not too hard usually it knocks him out..if that doesnt work i dont know how you feel about screen time but sometimes we will put on some asmr for kids and that works… he also used to only fall asleep to billie eilish lol omg he still loves her. “My future” was the only song to get him to stop crying when he was an infant! Lol yea every kid is unique but i hope my tips can help in some way also teddy bear that vibrates

Haha yes everyone I believe! Babies want their parents and don’t want to be left alone to sleep since forever. No advice we just have stopped with screen times at least before bed, get energy out in the evening lots of giggles, try to stick to routine. I’m sure you’re doing everything, my opinion it just is what it is.

Tart cherry juice before bed!

I sing to my toddler while I rock him to sleep. The ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, or his other favorite, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, usually does the trick. And all after a bath and a bottle of milk. We try to tire him out before start his bedtime routine.

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