Baby swing thoughts

We’re a few days passed out due date and I’m just wondering what the general thoughts are on baby swing usage. So far all I’m seeing online is that babies shouldn’t be in it for more than 30 minutes at a time. Is it safe for newborns? When am I allowed to start using this. Of course she would always be supervised while swinging but I would have thought the manual would have had some general guidance. Let me know what you all do!
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For where I live as a childcare provider we are allowed to have a child in a "container", so swing, bouncer, etc. for no more than 20 minutes at a time.

@Kaitlyn do you follow any guidelines on how often in a day? I read one article that said no more than two 30 minute sessions per day but wasn’t sure how credible that was

I never heard of that rule and never followed it. I used my swing as much as I needed for my newborn and still do (5months) and dont see any issues

Honestly I didn’t pay attention to guidelines. My son would get so so so mad when I took him out before he was ready, so sometimes he’d be in there for like 2 hours

We had one with infant insert and it was OK but the baby did not really like it and straps were flimsy (hard to unbuckle ) so with my sons reflux when he would be chocking even in upright position it was stress to get him out. Once he was big enough for normal old style bouncer he loved it and bounced on his own ( he was big boy with lot of strength in his head so we could use it faster than usual ) the bulkiness of swing annoyed me it took too much room and we got rid of it quickly

There aren't any necessarily, I haven't heard of any. The best "container" you can have them in is babywearing! It helps them develop their neck muscles and is similar to tummy time with the position they sit in! Just make sure their legs aren't squished and are positioned correctly. 🙂 I put my daughter in a swing when I shower and get ready for the day and have her either leaned up against a boppy pillow or on a comfy floor mat.

Everything I've read so far suggests no more than 30 minutes at a time in the most reclined position before 4 months and not letting baby fall asleep in it to reduce the risk of positional asphyxiation. I haven't seen a limit on how many sessions but considering wake windows for newborns are only 35-60 minutes and how much they sleep in general, maybe there's no specific limit since baby won't have much time to be in it in between eating and diaper changes in that limited time!

My baby absolutely hates her swing Unless she is already asleep when we put her in it, she screams her head off🙃

I’m here to say I have the same swing & I will be using it as much as needed . Even if the baby is just chilling in the swing and not actually “swinging” I will definitely use it for times I need to get things done . I look at it as a soother for them it’s not healthy to hold your baby 24/7 and I don’t feel comfortable leaving them in the room alone either . I wouldn’t keep my baby in there for hours I never had a swing with my first just a rocker and she wasn’t in there for long periods of times either just when needed. My mom always said get a swing it helps .

I honestly didn’t know this was a thing. Our baby loves the swing and would stay in it for a while. It tilts back though so they’re not leaning toward the whole time. Our babe is 7.5 months old now. Absolutely no issues.

Both my kids loved the swing. From newborn until they out grew it. They would fall asleep in it, since they were buckled in I let them finish there nap on it (I was near by not like I went to the store). Swing and baby jumper are my two highly recommended baby items.

My newborn isn't comfortable in the swing (I have the exact same one) and always looks too crumpled up in it, I'm worried about his breathing. He hates it, so I feel like my fears of him not fitting in it yet are founded. That being said, when he's a big bigger and can hold his head up more, I think he may like it. But we shall see!

I’ve never heard of the 30 minute rule but I’d of never stuck to it as my lb would nap in it for longer than that and he’s now 7.5 months old and perfectly healthy and fine as when he became more active he would go on the floor more than in the bouncer but when he was a newborn he’s sleep in that and I’d nap on the sofa and he was safe in there and I knew he was so I rested easy and I could have time to myself like going to the toilet having lunch or housework etc xx

Our would sleep in it. But we had it by our computer and never left her side

My pediatrician told me only 20 minutes at a time. But said a bouncer is fine for an hour. But one time after hours of screaming she fell asleep in the swing as a last resort and I left her in there for an hour.

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I keep my baby in there as long as he’ll allow, if he falls asleep in it I always watch him/check on him 🤷🏽‍♀️

My son would only take naps in his swing till he was 4 months old!! Literally no where else. It was a life saver.

My daughter basically lived in her swing because she'd throw huge fits if we took her out. It was one of her favorite places to nap

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