Has anyone weaned the pacifier with their almost two year old?

Just wondering if you could share your experience! We’re gearing up to ditch the paci and I’m just nervous I won’t sleep for the next few weeks/months. 😵‍💫
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Following because I am ready to do the same.

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We did it in early February and I was SO scared bc I knew it was such a comfort for her. We took it away cold turkey: a decision that I wasn’t 100% comfortable with but my husband said it was time. The first night she cried a lot looking for it. But once she fell asleep she managed to sleep almost the entire night. I think she woke up once and we just soothed her back to sleep (rocked her, patted back). We repeated this for maybe a couple of days and then she was fine. She hasn’t asked for it. And I just had to adapt our bedtime/nap time routines. We read books and sing songs while I rock her and she also gets to keep her silly cup.

I'm in the process of getting rid of my almost 2 year olds pacifier now. We're doing a slower wean bc he was extra attached to it and would have it during the day also, not just for sleep. So right now we've gone 2 weeks with him only having it at nap time and bedtime and so far it's been awesome and he doesn't even ask for it during the day anymore! I never thought we'd even get to this point lol. So next I will do nap time for a couple weeks and then bedtime last and I hope to have it completely gone by 2 1/2.

I only let him have it at night for now.. just brought a newborn home so not the best time to take it away completely but I am not buying anymore. As soon as he bites them and ruins it, he won’t have another one

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