Tracking Sleep & Feeds

When did you stop tracking everything? How old was your baby? If not then why do you still? Just curious. I have bad anxiety and would love to be more relaxed and not so uptight about everything with my 4.5 month old. Looking for advice! If you don't track it, what cues does your 4-5 month old have for feedings? I can recognize sleep cues but not so much feeding.
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Girl I’m using mine till at least a year😂 easier to track what boob I need to feed from & my husband or MIL can look and determine if he needs a nap or need me to feed him.

I just feed and offer naps on demand. I get too anxious with apps. When baby is hungry she pushes her head into my breasts or pulls on my bra or T-shirt. I EBF. She also makes a certain whiny sound which I recognize as hunger.

I stopped tracking feedings when my baby was 3 months old and i feel so much better!!! I used to turn on the counter to see how many mins on each side and that gave me so much anxiety. I offer whenever I see she is hungry and it works out the best. Honestly her hunger cues changes over time. Right now it’s whining and screaming..

I never tracked. It made me more anxious if she wasn’t on a perfect schedule

I stopped tracking about a week ago,my baby just turned 5 months today,like the other mommies it gave me anxiety when she wouldn’t feed as much as usual and as often as she used to so I stopped and I feel much better.she knows how to let me know when she’s hungry 🤣

Thank yall! Unfortunately we formula feed so I never know unless I'm tracking and I don't want to rely on it.

I'm a first time mom so I'm going to keep tracking until I get the hang of things. I'm Type A about these things lol

@Cristina same here!

I’m still tracking. We are almost 6 months in 🫣

I still track, I don’t get anxiety about it though. I track feeding just to know if she’s pulling off too soon if she’s distracted or finished. Like I know she speed feeds during the day 3mins a side and then is done and then our feed before bed is 5+ mins a side. I do feed on demand never really on a set schedule. And then for sleep I track as we are sleep training and it allows me to know when she needs to go down due to her wake windows.

I have moved to only tracking the time he finishes a feeding so I know about when he’ll want to feed again, and I track nap starts and stops so I know when the next nap should be

My baby is five months old and I still track feeding and naps. Honestly, I will probably do this until she is at least a year. Right now, I know that she needs to eat so much per day to sleep through the night. She successfully sleeps from 7-6, so I am motivated to continue. I track naps so I can keep track of wake windows as well. Making sure that she isn't awake longer than her age recommended wake window has really helped her mood.

@Renee I just saw the recommended wake window and following his sleep cues early on, it hasn't been so hard to get him to sleep. He would be up 3 almost 4 hours and it was roughhh and we fought to get him down because he was so tired.

My LO doesn't fuss much for food, so I like to keep track. I pump exclusively, so I have to keep track of that to keep supply up.

We still keep track. Mainly for when you go to the Dr and they ask, "How much is she eating in 24 hours?" Or "how many times do you change her in 24 hours?" We are tired. Lol, we ain't remembering anything! It's also nice to know if the current bottle has expired. Again, we are tired, lol. The app we use is huckleberry. It's free and easy to use

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@Alexis yes! Once we figured out the wake windows getting her to sleep became so much easier. It was a battle prior to that. It also helped us teach her to self sooth because she wasn't as disregulated when going down. She's learned to put herself to sleep at this point which is soooo nice.

@Renee oh thats nice. I feel like I know nothing about parenting. Its hard! Lol

@Hannah yes! My perception of time is out the window after having a baby. Its a huge help tracking

@Alexis same. It's extremely hard and I wish more people talked about it. I really needed the sleep help so I did the taking cara babies program. I have a huge fear of sleep deprivation after my birthing experience.

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