Baby group

So I have a 6 month old that i would like to get out more with and was thinking baby groups. Has anyone else felt quite nervous to go😫? Im new to the area so dont know anyone to go with and just feel everyone will know each other and ill stick out like a sore thumb. Has anyone been and felt the same or am i just overthinking it completely?!
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I was really nervous to go and I'm so glad I did. Try something small - local libraries have baby groups that are really relaxed. Wherever you choose to go first, everyone is in the same boat. I've been to groups where babies cry, fill their nappies, throw up, throw tantrums, and it's all fine - we all get it. I didn't know anyone at any of mine and most of the mums are the same. Good luck xx

I am the most anxious person in the world but when I’m with my baby I kinda just use her as an opening for conversation, she’s like a security blanket for me with other mams. I can talk to anyone about her but don’t ask me to talk to a stranger about myself 😂 I didn’t go to baby classes for the first 5 months because I was too scared and tbh yes I’ve been to classes where I’ve felt left out because the mams all knew each other and you know what I didn’t care, I had my baby and we had a great time together. Find a baby group like bloom baby classes or artventures they are jam packed and you don’t have time to talk to other people really ❤️

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