Due date??

Has anyone else had this?? -Last period 28th Dec -Tested positive on 4th Feb thought I was 5 weeks - Booked reassurance scan for approx 8 weeks 25th Feb -At scan they said I’m only 5 weeks 5 days Had midwife booking appointment today and she was really confused with the dates. So due date could be 4th, 8th or 23rd October x
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Sorry I meant 8 weeks! I had my midwife booking appointment today and they’re requesting the scan so will get that through soon hopefully X

Same here. Last period was 3 January, testested possitive 3 February. When i went for my scan on 1st February thinking i was about 8 weeks. She measured the baby and said it was measuring 6+2. So it sort of pushed my due date to 25 october rather than what I thought would be around the 10th october. She said i most likely ovulated later. Waiting for my 12 week scan on the the 12th April to confirm more of an accurate due date. X

I’ve found a website that does make sense for me which would put me at 9 weeks 6 days. I’m so confused haha! Need to confirm at my next scan! X

29th dec, my due date from lmp is 5th oct, from early scan at 7+5 they said 2nd. Have my 12 week scan this week!

My last period was the 27th of December, due on the 03rd of October, according to my midwife 😊 I have my 12 week scan tomorrow! Super excited for it!! Xx

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