Maternity leave

Dose anyone else's partner think that when your off work for 9 months on maternity leave that it's just going to be easy and a long hoilday whilst he's at work 🙄🤣
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My husband turned around and said it’ll be great. Clean house, dinner cooked for when he’s home. I told him if he expects that he should go and live with his mum for a while lol x

@Laura I'm sure they think we will just be sat at home bored for 9 months n that the new born baby will just look after themselves xx

My partner says this to me all the time like I have all the time in the world 🙄 he was getting stressed looking after her for a hour!x

Yep. My husband doesn’t understand why I’m so tired when I’m ‘just home with the baby/seeing friends’ 🙄 errr maybe getting up during the night, the mum guilt feeling like I’m not doing enough, trying to do enough, trying to still have ‘me’ time, trying to do housework so it’s not all left for the weekend… having a baby has totally changed our relationship.

No. My husband thinks I’m a hero and has said that if he were the one having babies we’d have stopped at one 😆

When I stress that the house isn’t tidy or the ironing isn’t done my husband says to me ‘have you had a lovely day with Bug’ I say yes, he goes on ‘are bug and you happy’ I say yes… ‘then everything else can wait, as long as you’ve had fun together, that’s why you’re off… to look after bug and be happy’ I still feel awful that the house is a mess and the ironing isn’t done but that’s on me… my husband never makes me feel like it!

@Sarah see I've not actually had the baby yet.. but he has had digs like " at least you got 9 months off work soon" and " you'll always be off out when on maternity" like I can just tell he thinks its just going to be a hoilday x

@Chloe they don't realise do they.. we are expected to multi task everything yet one thing is a chore for them x

YES! Seems to think I have all the hours in the day to be cooking, cleaning sorting out stuff for him

Yeah, mine did. He said i was using our daughter as an excuse for not picking up after him and doing all the house work. He thinks all i do is sit around all day relaxing

@Claire yeah cus looking after a new born is so easy aint it and we have all the time in the world... would love to see them do it for just one day xx

My partner said while I’m off I will be doing all house work I was like nope. I will do what I can but you still have to do shit. Everytime the house is a mess I get well you have been home all day like no don’t work like that. He didn’t look after our son on his own from him being 10days old to 7months then it came to 7months old and him looking after and the house is a shit tip and he’s stressed and I’m like where’s my apology. Not so easy is it

Yes lmao. I swear he thinks I sit here all day 😂 my lo is 9 months old and I definitely do not sit here all day, if anything I'm on my feet unless he's napping. He moans constantly that housework isint done, that dinner isint on the table. I always say well until you spend a week home alone with baby you don't have a say

Lol mine is self-employed and I’ll be returning to work remotely 9.5 weeks after giving birth; so he’ll be the main at-home person. But, he’s ready to do 50/50 with me as much as he can. I’m actually excited for it, but it already makes it pretty clear we’re probably only having one.

Note: I’m still preparing for whinging when I’m working and he needs to work that I’m not pulling my weight.

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Yes he makes jokes about it all the time lol 🙈. But to be fair to him … some days are tough but I love being able to go out for coffees most days with my mum friends, go to baby groups and nap in bed with my baby during the day when we’re tired lol. Would pick this over going to work any day lol x

Tbh, when my partner jokes around and says I'm on holiday I actually laugh with him. My mat leave is amazing, I do feel like I'm on this very long holiday I've always needed. Of course it's all thanks to my partner and my baby who makes it so easy 🥰 4 months to go, I can't even think of going back to work 🙈 I am on my feet most of the day, don't get me wrong, but I am soooooo appreciating the time off work

When I was pregnant, my partner kept saying "when you're on holiday..." in reference to maternity leave. They are definitely NOT the same thing!

Yep!!! Grrrrrrr.... Am encouraged to "get out of the house and enjoy myself... whilst i do the food shop". Go upstairs and relax... whilst i pump/breastfeed. I think they miss the point completely... lol.xx

@Stacey hopefully he’ll see the reality isn’t quite like that when there’s a baby crying during the night!! It’s no holiday, it’s a full time job where you’re on call every night too.

Just wait. He will soon realise. It will hit him like a tone of bricks. Once baby is here ask him if he would do one full day with them alone. I KNOW for a fact he won't. And you will do it everyday

Yes until I left my husband with the baby for a day and he realized how much work it was 😆

The amount of times my husband has said “you’re the one that’s off work”

😂😂 it’s the most challenging time

If he ever did think that, I have not allowed the illusion to continue. Sometimes I’m kind of surprised I even survived maternity leave. I’m so grateful because baby needed it so I needed it, but i really struggled

If that's what he thinks he is deluded I'm a sahm to my 21 month old and it's hard! You are 'working' from the second your child wakes to the hours after they go down for the night meaning your working day lasts about 15 hours

Is your partner planning on taking a few weeks leave once baby arrives? I think that'll be eye opening for him

@Aimee he's having a week.. yeah I think that will make him realise its not a hoilday x

YES!! And when LO sleeps at the weekend he thinks I’m rested..erm no I need an hour to just read or have a shower straighten hair. Doesn’t get it x

@Joanna my husband says that but not in a serious way. He comes in and goes busy day? I go yep 😂.

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Oh yes he thinks I sit at home all day and it’s a breeze 😂😂 I did a few keep in touch days where other half was looking after baba I gave a routine and he said awk I don’t need that I was out for 6 hours work came home house was a bomb and he said I commend you lol I dunno who you look after a baba being also 30 weeks pregnant and do housework all the time 😂😂😂😂

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