Girl or Boy??

So I’m 16 + 5 weeks…. Had a scan on Saturday and we don’t wanna find out what the gender is but I’m sooooo curious!!!! Drives me mad that the lady who scanned me knows what we are having and we don’t🧐 Any guesses?!🥰
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Boy 💙


How do you know!? I can never figure these out??

I have no clue… the lady said baby is a week bigger than where they should be so my partner said he thought boy with their long legs too and she instantly like jumped on his comment and told him that means nothing! So I was thinking girl but you guys think boy! And I can never tell with these theories either. Starting to think we should have just found out 🤣

I look at the skulls


@Katie ah I see what you mean!! Thanks 😊!! X

@Sophie I do think Boy but do ignore the leg length as my girl was and is LONG 😅. Daddy is 6ft 3 though 🙈

Boy xxx

Boy x


Boy 💙


@Jessica I think the girls have cuter rounder face profiles than boys. Yours I’m not sure on its kind of in between x

Girl 💕

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Boy 💙

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