Help plesse about fasting while pregnant

I just found that pregnant test is positive today. Should I continue to fast or should I stop? I feel too bad to miss fasting out! I am aware that pregnancy woman can’t fasting but I was fasting today but I missed 3 days period so I checked pregnancy test to check but I found out that it was positive. I’m not sure and help me.
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I was seeing a nutritionist and she advised me to stop fasting as soon as I got pregnant. Your body is goi g through major changes and working so hard so you just need to eat responsibly! Congratulations 🎉

I went to a ramadan workshop last week and they mentioned fasting while pregnant etc. The ruling is that you should fast unless there will be harm to you or your baby. I'll attach a screenshot of one of the slides for you to read. Congratulations❣️🤲🏽

Oh sorry I thought you meant intermittent fasting!

Sorry what do you mean

I didn’t realise you were asking about Ramadan.


You’re not supposed to fast whilst pregnant last year during Ramadan I never fasted as I just gave birth and my child was around 2 months

This year I’m participating in Ramadan! Please be safe and take care of yourself and little one 💙🙏🏾

As far as i kno if you are able too you should , but if you can't definitely don't and don't feel bad about it at all!

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