Husband against breastfeeding

My baby is 10 month old and my husband does NOT like that I am still breastfeeding. Since baby was 4 months he was always telling me that it's time for weaning and that I'll end up breastfeeding big boy till 2 years. Why is he like that?Is he jealous or something? Have anyone's husband been against breastfeeding?
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He’s weird asf he probably jealous most likely

That's weird..

Feel like he might have some issues cos not normal 🤔


It’s unfortunate that he feels that way. We need all of the support we can get! You do what’s best for you and baby, mama!

I'd maybe genuinely ask why he feels this way and then be prepared with resources that say why it's still beneficial. My husband wasn't against breastfeeding, but when my daughter started getting teeth and bitting, he would suggest it may be time to start pumping so I wouldn't get hurt.

We also have a 10 month old and when we were talking about weaning her yesterday neither of us really had an idea of when to do it. He ended up saying well, she'll probably grow out of if when she's ready. But I think I'll stop her at a year and half except maybe the first in the morning and right before bed... Then she'll switch to the pumped milk we have been saving for her. I'd ask him why though. Does he feel like he misses out because he doesn't get that time to bond like if she were bottle fed? Our daughter is way more attached to me and when she'd take a bottle, he liked feeding her - but now she won't touch a bottle. Could it be something like that?

That's super weird. Show him the CDC website. Lol

Seems strange. Does he not know the benefits? Maybe he can go with you to the doctor appointment and you can bring it up with the dr.

It’s your body. Seems controlling to me. Do what is right for you and baby, not him.

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