Combination feeding?

I'm trying desperately to nurse my 2 day old but we have a shallow latch no matter what i do :( my milk hasn't even come in but I can tell he's hungry and can hear his tummy growling. How do I navigate combination feeding while I try to fix this (im contacting my previous LC right away) and still try to have a successful breast feeding journey?
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Also, when I hand express, I only get a few drops on each side. Surely he's getting more than that even with a shallow latch?! And is it too early to start pumping? I exclusively pumped with my daughter due to tongue tie but I was hoping this time around would be different :(

@Brenna at 2 days old baby is still getting colostrum which is very nutritionally dense. It is also thicker and sticker than mature milk so getting drops at a time is normal! Baby has a very small stomach right now so he doesn’t need much. The best way to tell how much baby is getting is how much is coming out through diapers. Wet and dirty diapers should follow day of life, for example today on day 2, baby should have 2 wet and 2 poopy diapers. Tomorrow on day 3, 3 wet and 3 poopy. This continues until day 6 when it should stay consistent. Does it hurt when baby is latched?

Yes, and I have nipple damage: cracks and blisters.

Thank you for the info. We're on that trajectory but it's so hard when I can hear his tummy growling.

Let him take what he can from your breasts and top him off with 1 mL of formula. Then hand express what you can into a bottle to use for the next top off.

@Mariah thank you both! @Angel

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