Tips for bassinet sleeping ?

I had my baby girl on march 22nd and I’ve been struggling with getting her to sleep in her bassinet. As soon as she is placed down she wakes up and starts wiggling around. Does anybody have tips for this?😭
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My baby girl was born March 6 and personally I roll up two blankets and place them next to her so she feels contained and cozy. She sleeps in her bassinet at least 4 times a day

I’m gonna be honest my son loves sleeping in his swing. At night if he doesn’t wanna sleep in his bassinet I put him in my bed between my husband and I.

@Lucille yes! I know that’s the problem she wants to feel snuggled. Thank you so much for this tip. Do you leave the rolled blankets on her side the whole time she sleeps?

I leave my hand on his chest for a few minutes. I’ve also heard people put a heat pack on the bassinet to warm it up (make sure to remove it before putting the baby in) also I need to swaddle him or he won’t stay asleep

I was having this same problem until I rolled up a towel and made a U shape with it around her legs and belly (keeping it away from her face) and before I put her down I use a heat pack to heat up the towel and mattress (removing the heat pack before she goes down)

@Jessica yes I do and you’re welcome!

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