
I am a step mom to a little girl I became her step mommy 2 years ago. i’ve been battling having issues ever since we got her full time I love having her she is awesome I just feel sometimes finding myself very irritated with her and I absolutely hate it. I have found also that I have lost myself in being a step mom and trying to over compensate for all she’s been through and i no longer know who i am outside of taking care of her i miss my old self but i love where i am now i’m all over the place. She loves me and usually always chooses me over her father but I find myself getting very irritated with her at times and finding myself wanting to not be around her at those times. has anyone ever felt this or have tips on what to do?
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Aw babe this is motherhood ! We lose ourselves in it. We resent being the default parent. How’s relationship with BM? Maybe have her dad and possibly her mom take some of the weight of it on occasion and take some time to get back to who you were. Hobbies, going out with friends, getting some self care in, etc. you can’t pour from an empty cup! It’s perfectly okay to let someone else hold some of that weight for you ❤️

BM isn’t in the picture she doesn’t really want anything to do with our daughter I don’t really have friends at the moment all my friends that I had kind of stopped talking to me when I became a step mom because they didn’t understand I love taking care of her and being her mommy it just sucks not having a life outside of being a mom and a wife I love it and wouldn’t change it for the world but it would be nice to get out every once and a while to do my own thing but then I feel bad about doing that and leaving her with someone else to look after her while I take some me time

Hi mamas 💗 I am a step mommy to a 3 year boy and I’ve been in his life since he was 6 months. I love him to death but I did and still find it kind of hard to find myself again especially more so now that I just had my own baby. I also would get frustrated and irritated with him, even now. It’s just part of being a parents and it’s a normal reaction/feeling. What I found that helps me to have some me time is being able to communicate that to my husband and us finding a balance where he’ll spend time with our son while I go do whatever I want to do and vise versa. We’ve always talked and communicated with our son since he was a baby so when he turned 2 and was able to talk more, I was able to explain to him that mommy was frustrated or need some me time and he would understand and either go play by myself for a little while, watch tv, play on his iPad and etc. It has really helped not only me mentally and emotionally but it has also helped to grow our bond even stronger 💙.

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