16 yrs old!

16yr old step daughter. Knew her since she was 9. Lived with us for a year, then left mother didn't want her to be with us and she got her life together. Fast forward to 2019, and maybe 2020, she started running away. Don't know what's going on with home life. But I was the one that went and got her because I care for her. She has been living with us since. I said, "What the heck? we have done it before. She has just been a nightmare! Stays out like she has grown and doesn't clean up. Doesn't know how to clean. I try to teach her always has, but I've had enough. She graduates next year but I want her to go now. I was the one who brought her into our home, so I should be the one to say I've had enough. AITA?
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Ugh that’s hard! I think I would be asking myself how I would handle it if it was my daughter and not my step daughter and proceeded in that way. I know it is very different, but she is only 16. And I know I caused my share of trouble, I was actually a good kid lol and I have seen and heard stories from friends. Also, my brother was a major bell raiser. Running away hanging out/ moving in with absolute losers who were much older. Also, I know from seeing it as a teenager, there are too many predators out there that love to pray on young girls who are dumb! And all 16yeqr old girls are. Hell I was dumb all through my 20’s trusting men🥴

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