How do I know if my baby has colic

My Daughter is screaming and crying in what sounds like pain at night times struggling to settle she’s swallowing a lot of air while crying I have tried colic drops and gripe water it seems to settle her for a few mins and then she will scream again hate seeing her in pain
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In general, colic is defined as crying for three or more hours a day, three or more days a week, for three or more weeks.

@Ruhil Is it 3 consecutive hours or total per day?

The definition is consecutive hours .... that is what we were told during our pre natal classes too.However, people refer to gassy babies as babies having Colic. My son struggles too and he usually cries for an hour or 2 but that is unfortunately not a clinical diagnosis of colic. He is just considered a gassy baby...still very tough though... we struggle every day and I am struggling right now as I type this... 😔

@Ruhil she cries for about 3/4 hours constantly about 10pm to 1am

@Chloe Same... I start getting anxious around 7pm, hoping he won't fus tonight but it comes every night... I have read so much material online and spoken with moms and professionals, all the remedies are the same and basically, they say the kids will get better at around 3 to 4 months... no one has a sure shot cure for this unfortunately... just lean on other moms and know that you are not alone. It will get better...❤️

@Chloe... Also, I have been trying all the remedies in hopes that something will work. As a mom, it makes me feel like I am trying everything I can to help my baby... Remedies: 1) massage ( all the different kinds... bicycles kicks, stomach etc) 2) gripe water 3) Oval 4) colic band 5) bath 6) soothing 7) all the different holds 8) holding upright after feeds 9)sleeping upright with baby on my chest ( as I thought it may be reflux related) 10) homeopathic meds that are sold over the counter 11) different formula 12) stopped breast milk to see if it was my milk 13) changed bottles ... used colic bottles Nothing has worked so far... If any other recommendations, please let me know...

Sounds like witching hour to me if it's always at a specific time 🤷‍♀️

Same here .. please tell me if anything works for you

I’m on the other side of these stressful days, but some random stuff that’d snap baby out of it. Even for just a bit. *Holding babe tight and jumping up and down on the bed. Sounds awful… but would work for a bit. *baby carry while stomping around the house with repetitive butt of back pats. Doing it to the tune of a song helps. I did “Frosty the snowman” * a white noise app I downloaded had many different sounds. Tree frogs would interest my baby and helped when we had to go for car rides * very bumpy roads. Like a rutted dirt road would stop my daughters crying *holding her near the tub with the water on full blast. Rushing water sounds helped * wind chimes. The sounds. The shiny metal. Idk, but it would work a lot. No medications, bottles, formal, diet changes with 100% breastfeeding, drops, or osteopath appointments helped. Sometimes just a moment of calm in the middle of the screaming is helpful. Never figured out why my girl was so miserable, but she’s happy at 2.5 years old

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The stomping around helps us, too. We put him in the carrier and “runway walk” up and down the halls. It’s more effective than gently walking for some reason.

I also never was able to swaddle or have her sleep alone. She slept in my arms since day one. It was the only way anyone slept. She’s still like this, so maybe I started a bad habit. But you do whatever it takes during these terrible newborn days. I have absolutely no regrets.

@Jennifer runway walk 🤣 I wonder why it helps. Maybe gets up gas bubbles. Or reminds them of being in the womb.

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Not sure either, but those theories totally make sense! If hopping on one foot helped I’d do for moments of calm haha

@Ruhil @Chloe My baby was pooping eight times a day and really painful and comfortable gas. He would cry a lot from it and just be really agitated from it. We learned about baby gut health and got a baby probiotic for him called Evivo by day three of taking it he went from pooping eight times a day to one. He’s a lot less uncomfortable with gas and fussy. We’re only on day six but I’ve seen a huge difference already and totally suggest you try it if you think gas and pooping a lot is the issue

Thank you so much @Lisa ! I have him on BioGia, will see how that goes...

@Nina thanks Nina, I'll try that out. Your baby looks adorable! :)

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