Sick after every feed? Normal or not?

So my little girl is 9 weeks old and has been prescribed Nutramigen lgg been on it for just over a week and after every feed projectile vomits this happens within 20 minutes of feeding. Is this normal is it her body just getting use to new milk? She was also prescribed gavison before the formula as they thought she had reflux but had to stop giving that as she'd bring up feeds with that. So not sure what to do? Any help would be great. Thanks
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It’s really stressful, sorry you’re experiencing this. My daughter did this after cows milk formula every time. We switched to a goats milk formula and it stopped. Obviously may not be the same issue but could be worth exploring x

Thank you. we are currently on a formula for Cows milk allergy, and now this has started to happen she didn't projectile on the normal formula only when gaviscon was added, but now she doing this for last couple days...

Ah ok. Sorry. I hope the vomiting stops soon. X

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