2 yr old sleep regression

My girl is almost 2, the past week she's been going absolutely mental when we try to get her to go down for a nap and her bedtime. Screaming for hours, I go in to calm her down and read to her but then she kicks off as soon as i put her down again. Its so upsetting because she gets herself so worked up that she's dripping with sweat and I feel like she's getting so overtired that she's getting delirious. I've tried moving sleep times, even tried putting her in bed with us, I try to leave her to cry for a bit but she doesnt stop so I have to go in and reading calms her down but as soon as i put her back in her cot she screams again. She's always been a really good sleeper, we've never had any regressions so I really dont know how to handle this. I dont know what's going to help or what's just going to cause future issues 🥺😭 anyone been through similar and found anything that helped or know what to avoid?
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Hi, Has your daughter improved yet or any tips? This is just like I could of written it our daughter is going through the exact same and she has always been an amazing sleeper too. We just don't know what to do

I could have also written this about my daughter as experiencing that exact same pattern, she is 10months old but always been amazing and never has regressions so unsure of what to do and don’t want to ruin anything for the future bedtime routine x

She has actually gotten over it really quickly, so fingers crossed yours do the same! I read her a few stories and I tell her which one is going to be the last book we read before getting in to bed and now when I put her in her cot she doesnt cry at all, she did for a couple of nights try and fight the sleep and even though she wasnt crying she was actually falling asleep standing up, was ridiculous. Hope your little ones get over it soon, Ive spoken to quite a few people who say they've been through the exact same situation. I found what helped relieve my stress a little bit was just to make sure id had a big lunch so didnt worry about missing a dinner and didnt have loads of housework hanging over my head as it got to the eve, then i could just focus on sittung there and reading to her and going back to her and reading more when needed and not having to worry about the zillion other things i had to get done

That’s made me hopeful thank you lovely! Sometimes us mums second guess ourselves but really we are doing what’s best already! Thanks for the reply, il persevere and hope it passes soon, makes me upset when they are distressed x

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