Navy homecomings

Can someone share with me how navy homecomings go and what to expect? My husband is coming back from his first deployment soon I know when he’s coming he asked did I want to go to the pier to greet him idk this is new to me. I have a 1 yr old so if I did go like do I need show up early? How long does it take etc? I’m just trying to mentally prepare I’m in the process of deep cleaning up until he arrives
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@April I might as well just tell him to call me I’m dreading that drive on base cause it’s his and two others ships returning and it’s already hell on a normal day😭

Is he on a carrier or a sub? It also depends on command on what will happen at homecoming Your best bet is to ask in your boat FB group as each homecoming and each command is so different about what they do and allow

@Ashley neither his ship is classified as amphibious transport dock

@Ashley I’ll have to wait then his ship won’t announce it on their Facebook yet but the ombudsman doesn’t have a Facebook I’ve heard zero communication unless my husband tells me. He did say he couldn’t go home for a few hours so I might just skip it and pick him up when he’s off

@Satori I just mean you can ask in the spouses Facebook group what to expect with homecoming. They might not say dates but I’m sure someone in there can at least give you insight into what happens during a homecoming for that type of boat We have only done sub homecomings and that was the ombudsman starting the phone tree to call and tell us 24 hours before they are coming home and then we just meet them getting off a bus. I have seen other subs have families at the pier. That’s why I say it really depends on the command

@Ashley oh yeah um I looked for additional pages there’s no spouse one either it’s hard to find out more info the only ppl I can ask are his LPO since she’s already back in homeport but she leaves a few days after they come home to report to chicago his former LPO confirmed their return since he works on all the ships in the area and has their schedules and their return date is apart of their schedule so they know when maintenance for it coming , that’s the best way he explained it to me bht him and my husband said that’s it’s pretty. Much coming on that day there’s been zero change in what day and is less than a month out before they pull back in. I just I wish I had more resources the waiting doesn’t bother me but It’s the not knowing when I need to pick him up that’s annoying. Army homecomings are this difficult 😩

Update his former LPO is planning to go and told me I can ride with him he’ll know more details soon before I will

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