Rant!! In laws driving me mad

I am sooooo frustrated, since being pregnant if any family member is poorly we have asked them to stay away. We hosted a family birthday at the weekend and everyone came unwell with a cold/cough even though we said don’t turn up if you’re not well. My husband now has a awful cough and cold and I am due anytime. Really annoys me people don’t listen to our requests as we both need to be as well as we can be at this time! 🙁
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Ugh sorry to hear that! I hope that you manage to escape the cough and that your husband gets better quickly 😔

I’m normally fine @Elodie luckily! Just so frustrating people don’t listen! Xx

It’s so selfish 😡 hopefully you don’t catch it!

I had someone walk in my office at work stand next to me for 5 minutes while I sorted something for her! She then announced as she left she had shingles 🙄 Some people have no brains 🙄

Think my daughter caught a bug at school as was up most of last night 😴😴 praying I don't catch it

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