Afraid to get excited

2.5years of infertility. Multiple failed rounds of clomid. Male sided infertility. 11months of testing and working with a private fertility clinic and paying alottttof money, and finally bein told after months of tests that we can start ivf/icsi in a few weeks…. Leads me to this week, I stopped testing and tracking due to the absolute heartbreak month after month, and randomly took a test this week, to my absolute surprise. It has taken days and about 40tests later for me to actually believe it’s happening. In all honestly we barely baby danced this month. Purely down to us both being overwhelmed and stressed about starting icsi soon. Absolute miracles can happen! At a guess im about 10dpo.
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Congratulations 🎉

well done, it happens when the universe decides its right for you 💙

Congratulations lovely 🥰 we have also just got our positive after 2.5 years. ❤️

This is exactly what happened to us! Ready to start IVF after being told we had 5% chance of conceiving naturally due to my eggs. And low and behold i fell pregnant on the month i gave up!

Amazing!!! Congrats 🎉 💛

Congrats momma!!!

We also stopped tracking recently due to the impact it was having on our mental health. Very surprised to be pregnant now! Congrats

Congratulations 🤍🤍

I contacted my dr yesterday to book in for blood work. They refused to do it this early on, they are well aware of our years of infertility and I explained i just wanted the blood test to tell me for definite. Iv done about 40tests. But im still scared they aren’t true. Just wanted the blood test to ease my mind I will contact my fertility clinic an pay to have them done. Just sad my dr wouldn’t do them given our struggle.

I went in for routine blood work on day 3 of my “period” to begin clomid for our first IUI. They called me back that afternoon and told me my hcg was 10! Indicating I was pregnant! I was in complete shock since I thought I had my period. I’m currently 6 weeks and my hcg is 2,019. I’m bleeding and passing some small clots. I’m still very scared and praying this baby sticks. I go in 5 days for my first ultrasound. I’m afraid to get excited too! My prayers are with you.

And you’re absolutely right…miracles can happen ♥️♥️

@Dannielle praying for you that ur little baby sticks!!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼 Amazing for you. I done 4 rounds of clomid and they all failed. And next step was icsi in a couple of weeks. I still am apprehensive and going to ask for a blood test to ease my mind.

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