Gestational sac but no baby?

So I had my ultrasound today and it showed the sac and yolk but no baby and I'm supposed to be 8 weeks and 1 day. My doctor explained that I could be earlier than expected like 5 weeks because everything is in the right place. I did labs today to check my hcg levels and I have to do a repeat on Sunday. I've never had something like this happen before so I'm hoping that everything will be alright. If my levels are progressing well then I have another ultrasound scheduled for 6/16. I'm praying that it will work out for me. The waiting and not knowing is killing me.
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The exact same thing happened to me and I went in two weeks later and saw my little baby!

@Nicole You have given me hope. Thank you

I went to early as well in only seen the sac I was only 5 weeks but I got to see my little baby on the 7th week which was actually measuring 6 weeks .

The babe hasn't formed or is still in the process of growth but i haven't experienced that but I asked alot of questions to better understand 😌

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