How do you feel better about your body PP?

Hi ladies, I’m 3 PP and I’ve been really down about my body. I love my baby to death but it’s just been really shitty looking in the mirror. I’m obviously bigger than I was pre baby and have about 20-25 pounds to lose to get to pre baby weight but I don’t even care about the numbers as much as I care about how I feel and look… it hasn’t been good. I know I can lose weight but it’s almost impossible when I’m too tired to go to the gym or do anything productive because of sleep deprivation. also my skin went from perfect to crappy overnight. Any advice? 😓
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Heya! I am almost 3 months PP. I really don't like my body now as I'm used to look much better, fitter. The first month I was just in disbelief and now I just hope some kind of magic to happen and get rid of the extra weight, cellulite and so on soon. I went for a run once and in the gym once, but as my partner works until late and can't look after the baby when I feel like have some energy to train, I just can't go. When he's home early enough, I might need to catch up with chores or just need some rest as I feel exhausted sometimes. I think it's part of deal. My husband doesn't seem to care at all, but I do. I decided to be more gentle to myself and be patient as I know that with time I will get back to my shape.

Stretch marks: I had 90% of them after having my baby....I almost though I was blessed with incredible genetics/oiling daily worked but apparently not. I agreed withy husband to have them treated professionally: RF microneedling helped a lot (I received an offer and paied 1000£ for six sets - I did only three until now but I can already see that they are not as deep as they used to be and are smoothing out). I also just started using a silicon gel. To be honest, if ai manage to get fit in the next months, I don't care about stretch marks that much...I just want abs instead of the marshmallow tummy that I have now. Let's not talk about the cellulite on my legs.

In conclusion: I gained weight and I don't have any muscle left, I have cellulite, weird breastfeed boobs, bigger arms (which I never had before), tired eyes and a bigger chin...and I feel crappy about it despite any compliment I might have received and I refuse to wear anything revealing and so on, but I try to enhance what I still like, put some make up on even baby doesn't care 😂, eat some health-ish yummy food and cheer myself up everyday. Our bodies are different, but we can treat them right anyway and be gentle with ourselves, even if it's hard 💗

Thanks Claudia! I want my abs back too, I was a fitness model prior to the baby so I’m right there with you. I’ll look into the treatment for stretch marks. Thank you for the encouraging words

Go for walks with baby. Preferably in a green setting. It will help with the baby weight, with the mental health aspect, etc.

I just saw you were a fitness model. This TED Talk really helped me and I think it might help you as well. Tiffiny Hall is a personal trainer and had just launched a fitness business when she had her baby. She was one of the trainers for Biggest Loser and has written fitness books.

Thank you @Thalia I’ll give it a listen 🫶

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