
I just came back from the hospital and was told I had a miscarriage I'm suppose to be 11 weeks but the baby only measured 9 weeks 2 days should I get the d&c or get a second opinion?
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I don’t know much but about the medical side of it. But I would want a second opinion if I were in your shoes

I’m also not sure at what point they can listen for a heart beat, but I heard one at 14 weeks. So maybe you can ask for that too.

I'm going through this. I thought I was 10 weeks. Baby measured at 6.5 weeks. It's so heartbreaking. I'm getting a d&c but can't until Wednesday. Sending ❤️

Yes unfortunately this is a miscarriage but if you need the second opinion or don’t trust the doctor fully than you need to do what you feel if best and get a second opinion I’m so sorry for your loss.

Get a second opinion, my baby always measured a few weeks behind but was born perfectly healthy. He was itty-bitty but born at 37wks weighing 5.6lbs

Sending love and good vibes either way ❣️

Sorry youre going through this. What's is a d&c?

Sorry about your loss. I went through a MMC in January. You should be given options how you would like to manage- a d&c, medication, or let nature take its course. I personally chose d&c because I read horror stories about the medicine and in a lot of cases they still had to have a d&c. It can take weeks for your body to naturally miscarry. You really just have to decide what is best for you physically, financially, and emotionally. If you want a second opinion before proceeding they should give you another ultrasound in a week or two as an additional confirmation.

@Andrea it's a procedure to remove the baby from the uterus

Was there a heartbeat ?

Sadly no

Did you have any spotting or bleeding?

I’m so sorry Tresa. Did you have any symptoms?

Sending hugs I know this all to well I lost 2 hunn an it was heart breaking too me a while to gather my self but I made it through now the medical side not sure but I would get checked out just too be sure

I had brown bleeding now it's red. It's not my first rodeo but doesn't mean it hurts any less I've been trying to have another baby for 3 years now I think I'm losing all hope

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Sending you love and prayers. Don’t lose hope yet. Try to focus on self care and nourishing your body right now.

This isn't the first time this year that I've had a miscarriage. This one seemed to be fine until now

@Anais I really haven't thought about that. Thank you for the suggestion 😊

I go Thursday for the d&c

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