Staying home with my kids

My boyfriend got a new job about a month and a half ago. It required him to be gone in Chicago for 4 weeks of training. We live in northern MN so it's an 8 hour drive 1 way and he wasn't able to come home on the weekends. So when he came home last Friday he informed me that they didn't have a place for him at the locations near us so they sent him over to MI another 7 hours away and he's not sure how long he's going to be gone. Since he's been gone for the last 5 weeks I have been beyond stressed. I'm still working 45 hours a week while taking care of 3 kids, 6 pets, and trying to keep up with all the regular household chores. So when he was home for the weekend he asked me if we could go to the courthouse to get married and then he can put me and the kids on his health insurance and I wouldn't have to work anymore. At first I was pissed that it was such a terrible "proposal" and told him if that was the only reason he wanted to marry me than I'm not going to marry him. But after this last week of doing it all by myself again and feeling the stress of him being gone I almost feel like things would be easier of I do quit my job and stay home with the kids. I had today off because my daycare took a 4 day weekend for the holiday. I had the baby with me all day while the big kids were at school. For the first time since he's been gone I actually didn't have any stress. I know not every day would be like this but it was so nice to have some free time. I had all of last summer off on an extended maternity leave and it was fantastic. I was able to keep up with housework. Spend time with the kids. And actually enjoy summer. I love my job but the last few weeks have been so stressful with everything going on. And even when he gets a position more local he's still going to be on 12 hour shifts and they are random hours so he's still going to be out of the house alot. I just don't know what I want to do.
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I would definitely be marrying him to quit my job!! You’ll never get that time with your kids with. Go be with them mama ❤️

If it’s feasible, definitely take the plunge! Enjoy that sahm life however fair warning it’s not any less stress lol

So after my first baby I went back to work even though I didn't have to. I loved my job and I carried the insurance. My husband begged me to just be a stay at home mom. Once we got pregnant with baby #2 I cut back on hours then when baby was born I fully quit my job. I've been a stay at home mom for almost 6 months now and I absolutely love it. I love getting to spend all my time with my babies. If you have an opportunity to do it then I say go for it!

I have to agree! If you have the opportunity to be their for your kids, do it. Find a hobby on your free time and do more things for yourself. You’ll be a more present mom and your kids will be happy. Your soon to be husband won’t be home often but when he is you can all enjoy your time together. These kids grow up so fast. Enjoy them while you can!

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