
Nothing against women who breastfeed. I just don't think it's fair that women who breastfeed and doctors and hospitals try to force a woman to breastfeed. I will be placed on medication after I have my youngest to stabilize my moods and other health conditions that makes it dangerous to breastfeed. So it is my choice not to breastfeed. I didn't breastfeed my boys either and they are still healthy kids. So why do people and places force their opinions on women!
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Every time I tell someone I don’t want to breastfeed, they react like I said I’m going to feed my baby a glass of wine lol I plan to pump as much as I can but I honestly will be prioritizing formula. The idea of breastfeeding not only seems daunting but also the idea of the baby latching creeps me out 🫠guess that maternal part of me hasn’t clicked 🤷🏾‍♀️

Bottom line, your body, your choice. Nobody has a say in how you do anything pertaining to your baby but you.

While there are benefits to breastfeeding that in a direct comparison make it better than alternatives that is looking at the situation very narrowly. There are so many other factors in life and babies still do fantastic and thrive beautifully on formula. You do what is best for you and your baby and that is NOT always breastfeeding.

I didn’t want to breast feed in the beginning but learned it was better for the mom and baby that’s why I’m doing it. Nobody can make you do it or not do it. It’s 100% your choice in whether you want to breast feed or not

A feed baby is the most important thing. I have nothing against mothers who choose not to breastfeed. I understand first hand that you can't always make the choice to breastfeed. I have breastfeed All of my children but my second son I was only able to for the first couple of weeks and even though I really wanted to continue I could not and I had to use formula. My first son I did both because I was in high school still and could only breast feed when I was home and I did not have the money for a breast pump and 21 years ago they did not offer you a breast pump with insurance. I would never shame another mother for choosing something different than me. It sucks that people make you feel bad and feel like you have to explain yourself when you shouldn't. I have a photo of me and one of my best friends we had babies that are just a couple months apart. I'm breastfeeding and she is bottle feeding and it's one of my favorites of us cuz a FEED BABY is what's most important.

Not forcing, but the two options are just very clearly dissimilar. Breastfeeding has benefits that formula tries to mimic, but if just ends up being an insufficient substitute. That's why they have to market it as "trusted" and having "DHA and ARA", "supporting baby's development". Because it really doesn't do as much of that as breastmilk. Not to say that you shouldn't give formula, it's just not as beneficial. It's an inalienable fact. Just because the medical staff want the best for your baby, doesn't make them bad people. They try to do the best they can, because formula just isn't the best thing for babies. And think about it. If formula is equivalent and hospitals can get incentives for offering formula over breastmilk, don't you think they would force it on everyone. Why wouldn't they?

@👑Jess👑 the problem comes in that it is not simply a comparison of breast milk to formula. (Yes, on a one to one comparison breast milk is better). If she needs mood stabilizers and other things for her health, not taking those meds makes it harder to be the best parent possible, what, so she can be a human milk producer? Kids can and do still thrive on formula. Having medical practitioners who understand that is important. They shouldn't shame people because they are only looking at a small part of the bigger picture. In the hospital with my first the nurses brought us formula when we needed to get my LOs blood sugar up quickly so she didn't have to go to the nicu. Then when my hand swelled up they helped me learn to pump and brought more formula for my husband to give. They told me it was okay and that I wasn't failing my child. They walked me through everything. This is what is needed. Not someone assuming they know the whole picture and what is best for everyone else.

@Morgan hey, of course it isn't as simple an issue. There will always be variables and outliers. In your case, the nurses brought you formula to raise baby's blood glucose levels, because that's what formula does. It has such high maltodextrin content, that it's twice as effective as just spoon feeding the baby table sugar. It's basically a milkshake. There isn't a singular solution to every case, but suffice it to say, if you CAN possibly breastfeed it's probably better that you do.

People be too invested in what another mother is doing with their children. Why do they care lol I’m gonna breastfeed and couldn’t care less how another mother is feeding her child. People are very opinionated and judgmental nowadays

I always found it so frustrating how it feels like you’re looked down upon for formula feeding. I ended up having breast hypoplasia (insufficient glandular tissue) & was physically incapable of a proper supply & im dreading having to re explain constantly after this birth.

I will be on mood stabilizers anti psychotics pain meds blood pressure meds and a few others. My health has not been the best and I have several conditions that I was diagnosed with before pregnancy, some that I've had since childhood. So it is definitely not a choice of which is better for baby but an issue of safety. I am not gonna feed my kid something laced with meds that can potentially kill her.

@Gurj "I didn't breastfeed my boys and they are still healthy kids" is a comparison. No one said formula fed babies are unhealthy. It's a weird point to make if we aren't comparing two separate things.

@Gurj I completely agree. I did the research and talked to pediatricians and ob's and they agree it isn't an option for me

@👑Jess👑 I'm curious where you got these facts because I certainly did not learn that when doing my rotation in neonatology and postpartum care during medical school. Could you share an article that shows these stats? I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!

@👑Jess👑 thank you! I appreciate the information. No need for the added negativity and hate. We're all just trying to learn and do what's best for us and our babies. Hope you have a great day, from one underslept ass to another ☺

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Surprisingly I had the opposite ! None of my family breastfed their babies all bottle fed …I was heavily judged by them when I announced I was planning to breastfeed baby and told I was too “scabby” to pay for formula 😂

I’m on mood stabilizers and luckily the one I was on prior to getting pregnant is one of the few considered “safe” for pregnancy and breast feeding. We all want the best for our child and when looking at all the variables provided, sometimes the “best” for one child is not the “best” for another. Your mood being appropriately stable is what gives your newborn and other kids their best chance bc it’s what allows you to show up fully and at your healthiest. There’s no cookie cutter “best” option bc we all have such unique lives and circumstances.

I’m sorry you are being judged by others. Have you looked into another doctor/hospital to deliver at that is more accepting? There are so many factors that go into the decision. Some women can’t, some babies can’t, and some women choose not to. I am strongly considering for my second not to breastfeed/pump because of the mental toll it took on me with my first daughter. I firmly believe I would have been a better mom at the time if I wouldn’t have continued that journey for so long. Thankfully my doctor has been supportive with whatever I choose. I hope you find support.

I’m scared about breastfeeding I have always wanted to and am def gonna try but I’m on a similar wiry where the medicine I’m on isn’t best for baby and depending on dose can go thru the blood barrier or w.e. In the breast milk…the doctors have said it’s be best if I’m able to especially the first month of so but I’ll probably have to either do a lot of pumping and dumping or switch to formula as well. It’s so nerve wreaking o just want what’s best for her.

I do not want to breastfeed for personal reason I feel like I don't have to explain to anyone. But now things have change due to my son possibly being premature due to cervix issue im having and I have no choice to breastfeed or they are gonna use donors milk. If this was not the case I would not breastfeed and would not give two shits what people said or felt... my 17yr was not breastfeed and she's just fine....

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