Coming off Depo

Anyone has experience coming off the Depo? I didn’t get my last shot and it was due 4.5 weeks ago. We aren’t preventing necessarily but not trying. Should I be worried my period hasn’t come yet? I read online sometimes it takes a couple months for your period to return. I don’t want to test yet haha I’m not ready for any news lol 😂 anyone have any ways to relate or experience? Haha we want another baby but I am just not prepared for knowing just yet if that is the case 🤣
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It took me six months from my last shot to conceive after stopping but my period was regular two months after stopping

Yeah that’s what I read online it takes a bit most times, that’s why I came off of it a little sooner. Took us 6 months to get pregnant with our first but I got my period like 3 weeks after I came off the implant but I know Depo is different because it’s a slow release. Just don’t know where I am with my cycles when nothing is happening haha 😆

Yeah, I’m normally really irregular before the depo but last shot was in November and by January my periods were from the 10-15.. until I got pregnant in May 🤪

@Jessica ok good to know maybe it’s just taking some time to wear off. I’m trying not to be obsessive haha 😂 that’s how I was with my first and I just want to not be off burst control for a bit and not really care about trying haha. If it happens then that’s fine but I’m not really prepared for it right now so I think I’m gunna give it another month or so before I worry about it to much lol


I felt like I had the flu for a month after coming off of it

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