It’s my birthday 🥺😖

It’s my birthday and it’s been a bad day. Like I want the day to fucking end and it’s been dragging out. I just want to get in the car, get fast food, pick up a yummy Publix cupcake and ball my eyes out. I don’t like gifts. I love phone calls and even a simple text. Unfortunately my parents have forgotten. My have forgotten. And my gal pals has forgotten. I always get high anxiety around my birthday. I’m not afraid of aging, but being forgotten. I seem to always be forgotten on my birthday. Anyways…I ordered thai food and will be watching a new Netflix show by myself tonight. Hopefully I can enjoy the last few hours of this god awful day.
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Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday 🎂

Happy birthday beautiful. I know it's difficult when the people you put effort into forget but you matter and you deserve a great day. Try to enjoy your night as much as possible. You're amazing

I'm late but happy birthday. I completely understand, my depression kicks in around my birthday and it's always a disappointment so I really hope you ended your night happily ❤️

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