Why did you cry today?

I teared up in the pizza joint because I’m GF and they didn’t tell me until I got there to pick up my order that they were out of GF crusts 😂😭
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Oh no I'm sorry. That is horrible 😭. I cried today because my stomach hurts.

@Tiffany awww I’m sorry! The pain is so tough. Hope you can get relief soon!

Because I was miserable and wasn’t feeling good at all and just the look of my man gets me irritated but yet I don’t want to be away from him ugh 😫 hormones but I’m sorry that happen to you mommas

I didn’t cry today but very recently my husband went to the store & didn’t bring me back snacks & I definitely cried

almost cried today because I asked my bf to bring me juice from the store and he forgot 🥲. He did come back with flowers though so that’s why he forgot so it made me feel better :,)

I cried watching a video of a mama moose and 2 baby moose walking through a Walmart parking lot. The hormones are stroooooong 😂

Cried because I made dinner I didn’t like and then had cereal and felt better 😂

I cried today because I tried to cuddle my cat and she got up and walked away.😭

Baby daddy makes me feel unimportant 🥲

@Kristen why does cereal hit so much harder during pregnancy?! I'd forgo he bowl and pour the milk right into the box if I could!

I cried because my son woke up to eat and my husband said he needs sleep because hes the one who works and keeps us from being homeless so his stress and anxiety from losing sleep is sort of more important

Because my husband poured the last of the coffee from the coffee pot into his cup from the day before and didn’t make a new pot so I could have a cup. I cried and told him he was selfish because I do everything for everyone and he couldn’t even think to make me a cup of coffee?! 😂😭 (he makes me coffee allllll the time just not that morning as he was running behind for work.) he made a pot and slowly exited for work. 😂

@Tegan Hoevet i would have bawled haha

I cried bc it was cloudy out, my legs were sore and I forgot to have breakfast.

I cried watching Harry Potter…then again cause it hit me that she’s real and I’m so close to get to meet her and I’ll prob cry later cause who knows 😂

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@Samira I feel you. I am currently sitting at McDonald's with my boys and while eating a sandwich I just started crying out of no where. I hate pregnancy hormones

I’ve been crying every day. Whether it’s full blown crying or even just teary eyed. Yesterday it was because I was watching a FB video of a little boy seeing his big brother for the first time in a year 🥹🥹

Today, because I was hungry and the food was nasty 😫

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