
Hey everyone. I am feeling so overwhelmed right now. I’m only 11 weeks pregnant but I feel as if my life has already changed drastically. I’m going to be a single mom because I made a stupid mistake and don’t know who the dad is until I have the kid and do a dna test. It’s a rough situation and I’m honestly embarrassed about it but there’s nothing I can do right now but wait. Both potential fathers said they don’t wanna be a part of it and haven’t talked to me since which I understand. I don’t plan on putting either one on the birth certificate. I honestly didn’t want this to happen this way but I’m confident in keeping the kid. I get uneasy of the idea on being a single mom and feel less of a person as if I have no respect for myself for letting this happen to me. Although it’s a dream of mine to be a mom it scares me to do it alone and that I don’t have a supportive partner. I get embarrassed when people ask who the dad is and I don’t know.
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I just wanted to say that you don’t owe anyone an explanation of your situation. Frankly, it’s no one’s business - they don’t have the right to know unless you feel comfortable telling them. You will be no less of a person or mom 💕

No need to be embarrassed! (I know that’s easier said than done.) You are allowed to be a sexual being.

first of all, I just wanted to say you can reach out to me anytime to talk. I’m so proud of you for being so brave. I can already tell you’re going to be a fantastic mom. If you don’t want to answer the Dad question, which no one should be asking anyway, all you have to say, is oh, he isn’t going to be in our lives. that way you don’t have to say u don’t know.

I was in a similar situation. First off I'm glad you chose to keep the baby. Whoever the father once proven should be held accountable. Don't be embarrassed it has happened you can't change it now be proud of your baby the sooner you the better it is for you and your baby. Once you have your baby your standards will go up your respeft for yourself will go up because you have to lead by example now. I dont have a partner but i have my family that supports me they are my boyfriend/partner .....it takes a village and the biological doesnt have to be apart of that village but he needs to pay! It doesnt matter if he wants it or not that child needs his support so get the dna test and get the financial support you need because its hard out here. Again dont beat yourself up. Dont let your past define you! You are a queen you just have to believe it for you. Your going to be a great mom :)

It's no one's business and when you see there little face you won't care, they will be all that matters. No need to be embarrassed. Go easy on yourself. X

i was in the same situation feeling the same way i had a prenatal dna test done to find out who was the father and i felt more relaxed about the situation maybe your state offers the test and you can try that way but either way no one else opinion matters but yours stay positive

One of my best friends went though something similar. Her little girl is now a beautiful 9 year old girl and has an amazing grand father as a paternal figure. If they don’t want to be involved let them not be involved. Be a sting mom to your baby and show him or her that you can give all of the love in the world. Life happens, but what matters is living your baby.

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